3 Great Campfire Recipes : "Baking" Round the Fire
Whenever we talk about camping and cooking with the crackling flames, everyone immediately thinks of smores. But one cannot subsist on marshmallows alone, and here we have come up with some campfire desserts that are both delicious and filling, and will definitely step up your campfire cooking game.

This quick bread recipe is a hit among kids, and can be a companion for different dishes or just with a bit of honey or jam. The simple yet delightful bannock can be cooked in a skillet or on sticks over the campfire.
1. Two to three cups of flour
2. One to two tablespoons of baking powder
3. Two to three tablespoons of butter or oil
4. 2/3 cup of warm water
Mix all the ingredients, except water, in a bowl until the mixture achieves a crumbly texture. Add the water slowly until the dough mixture is soft. With your fingers, mix the dough and water together until it achieves a thicker consistency. You can wrap a handful of the bannock dough on the end of a stick, or spread it evenly on a skillet. Cook over the fire for around ten to 12 minutes.
Blueberry Muffins in Orange Shells

Muffins are delicious, but many people think that they are extremely complicated and can only be cooked inside a conventional or electric oven. However, with a bit of aluminum foil and oranges, you can make delightfully moist blueberry muffins right at the campsite.
1. A pack of blueberry muffin mix
2. A couple of oranges (you can assign one orange per member of your camping party)
3. Aluminum foil
Cut the oranges in half, and scoop out the flesh into a bowl or a resealable container (you could use the flesh to prepare fresh orange juice). Prepare the muffin mix according to the instructions in the box. Fill one half of the orange with the muffin mix, cover with the empty half, and cover the ball in three layers of aluminum foil. Throw the “balls” into the fire—the multiple layers of foil plus the orange peel will cook the muffins perfectly. Turn the balls every minute, and remove the balls from the fire after ten minutes. You might need to bring along some spoons to scoop the delicious muffin out of the orange shells!
Camp Cobbler

The cobbler is such a delightful finish to a great meal, but it is not exactly known for being a dessert that you can prepare with a campfire. With the following ingredients and a lightweight Dutch oven, you can easily make your own cherry cobbler during your camping trips.
1. Two 21-ounce cans of pie filling (cherry)
2. One pack shortcake mix
3. A teaspoon of oil or butter
Prepare the shortcake mix according to instructions. Grease the Dutch oven with the butter or oil. Pour the cans of pie filling into the Dutch oven and immediately cover with the batter. Make sure to place your Dutch oven over smoldering coals—placing it directly over the flames can burn the cobbler. Thirty or so minutes will be enough to cook the shortcake mix, but make sure to rotate the Dutch oven every three to five minutes.