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Car Hire Gibraltar Airport

Gibraltar is an overseas territory in Europe and is one of the most attractive places for tourists. It shares the northern border with the city of Andalusia in Spain. The place has more than 30,000 people and most of these people are from various other nationalities. One of the main reasons why the place is really famous is due to the Rock of Gibraltar. The name was originated from this famous rock. The temperature is similar to the subtropical climate and has relatively mild winters and warm summers. Rain only takes place in winters and the summers are usually dry throughout. If you are looking for cheap car hire Gibraltar Airport then compare prices with us.

Sightseeing and tourist attractions

Gibraltar has several tourist attractions and there are several sightseeing locations as well. It is also famous for shopping as there are markets selling a wide number of collectibles at pretty decent prices. Whale watching is another speciality of the area and those who are interested in nature are going to love the whales which include killer whales and humpbacks.

Changing of the guard is a common tradition in Gibraltar and is a military practice. Thousands of people attend this ceremony as it is a part of the heritage. The waterways of the place are used as a nursery for dolphins and you can see dolphins playing with each other in the water. Bird watching is another common attraction of the place and you can see thousands of different bird species while they migrate to Gibraltar. Birds including falcons, vultures, singing birds and seabirds can be seen here. Car hire Gibraltar Airport is the best way to view near by attractions.

The biggest attraction is the rock of Gibraltar which is the most ancient rock in the territory. A lot of tourists visit this place as the rock is very appealing to them.

Night life and other places to visit

The territory is also filled with several different casinos and bars which contribute to the attractive night life of Gibraltar. Many tourists also visit the famous glass factory here which is another attraction. Fine quality glass can be purchased at a low cost when visiting the factory. The guard room is one of the most visited places in the territory and is of great significance. Basically, a model has been made of port sergeant who is holding the keys to the territory. This marks the tradition as the governor of Gibraltar always had the keys with him.

Don't hesitate about exploring the local area and book your car hire Gibraltar Airport with us today.

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